The Value of Valerion Root AKA “Nature's Valium”
Valerian root has been used for centuries to treat insomnia and nervous disorders.[1] For this reason, it is often referred to as “nature’s Valium”.[1] Should valerian root be the bees knees of herbal bedtime tea ingredients? What other special benefits come along with this herb? Read on as we explore the origin, potential benefits, and uses of valerian root in this article.

What is Valerian Root?
Valerian root is the underground stem (root) of a plant known as valerian, which is native to Asia and Europe. It also grows wild in many areas of the world—including the United States.[2]
Valerian is a perennial plant with delicately scented flowers. Its roots, however, have a strong and unpleasant odor.[3] Valerian extract has been used as a traditional medicine since ancient Greek and Roman times.[4]
Benefits of Valerian Root
Sleep Quality Booster
Valerian root is most noted for its ability to improve sleep. Researchers have found that taking valerian root helps reduce the amount of time it takes to fall asleep.[1] It also helps to improve the quantity and quality of sleep. Up to 60 studies have concluded that valerian root is a safe and effective treatment for sleep disorders and can be used to enhance sleep and prevent difficulties in sleeping.[1]
Night Time Superfood Tea
Increase deep sleep; fall asleep faster
A calming and soothing blend of adaptogens with Valerian root, Chamomile, Rose, and Magnesium to help you catch the ZzZ’s, and stay asleep*. Sleep tight and wake up refreshed.
Anxiety and Stress Reducer
According to a 2021 study, 530mg of valerian root taken one hour before bedtime for one month helped to significantly reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.[5] Participants in the study also reported a significant improvement in their quality of sleep.[5]
There is also some evidence that valerian root may be beneficial in chronic conditions like obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) due to its calming properties and effects on the body. In 2011, a study involving 31 adults with OCD showed that 765mg of valerian root extract taken daily for 8 weeks could reduce obsessive and compulsive behaviors.[6]
Premenstrual Symptom Reducer
Another study was able to show the potential benefit of valerian root in women who experience premenstrual syndrome. Although they vary among individuals, symptoms of premenstrual syndrome commonly include tiredness, irritability, bloating, mood swings, and depression.
In the study, a group of women took two pills of valerian root extract daily in the last seven days of their menstrual cycles.[8] The results showed a reduction in their physical and emotional premenstrual symptoms.[8]
Menopausal Symptom Reducer
Older women who experience menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes may benefit from valerian root. A 2018 study showed that taking 1,060 mg of valerian supplement each day for 2 months helped reduce hot flashes in postmenopausal women.[7]
How to Take Valerian Root
Valerian root is most commonly taken in teas.[9] Measure out 2 or 3 grams of valerian root. This is considered an effective dosage.[10] If you’re using a valerian powder, you would want to use much less as it is a more concentrated. One or two teaspoons would do. Put the measured valerian into your favorite mug, pour over some freshly boiled water, and let it steep. This is a tea that benefits from long steeping times so aim for 10-15 minutes.
It is also available as a dietary supplement in the form of capsules and tablets.[3] A dose of 450 to 1,410 mg of valerian root daily for four to six weeks is recommended for improved sleep quality.[1]
Make a Valerian Tea In 30 Seconds And Level It Up With Superfoods
Your valerian root tea is great as is—“Nature’s Valium” as they say—however, you can really take it to the next level with additional ingredients. Adding chamomile will help you feel more relaxed. Add adaptogens like reishi, turkey tail, and/or L-theanine and you’ll not only fall asleep faster but sleep deeper, increasing your quality of sleep. Now, here’s the kicker. We’ve combined all of those ingredients as well as many other superfoods (14 total) into one amazing night time tea you can make in 30 seconds. It’s MoonBrew. Its ingredients are natural and we do not include any melatonin or caffeine to avoid pesky side effects.
So there you have it! Valerian root is not only a promising sleep aid that’s safe to take but also an anxiety reducer, stress reducer, and has some encouraging PMS comfort related benefits. It’s best consumed as a tea. The brewing time is a little long but well worth the sleep benefits. If the preparation and brewing time is too much for you, consider a 30-second superfood bed time tea like MoonBrew.
- Shinjyo N., Waddell G. and Green J. (2020). J Evid Based Integr Med. 2020; 25: 2515690X20967323. Published online 2020 Oct 21
- Caudal D. et al. (2017). Skeletal muscle relaxant effect of a standardized extract of Valeriana officinalis L. after acute administration in mice. J Tradit Complement Med. 2017 Oct
- Kubala J. and Spritzler F. (2021). How Valerian Root Helps You relax and Sleep Better. Nutrition. Healthline.
- WebMD (2020). Valerian – uses, side effects, and more.
- Tammadon M. et al. (2021). The effects of valerian on sleep quality, depression, and state anxiety in hemodialysis patients: a randomized, double-blind, crossover clinical trial. Oman Med J. 2021 Mar 31;36(2):e255. doi: 10.5001/omj.2021.56
- Pakseresht S., Boostani H. and Sayyah M. (2011). Extract of valerian root (Valeriana officinalis L.) vs. placebo in treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder: a randomized double-blind study. J. Complement Integr med. 2011 Oct 11;8:/j/jcim.2011.8.issue-1/1553-3840.
- Mirabi P. and Mojab F. (2013). The effects of valerian root on hot flashes in menopausal women. Iran J Pharm Res. 2013 Winter:12(1):217-22.
- Behboodi M. et al. (2016). The effect of valerian root extract on the severity of premenstrual syndrome symptoms. J Tradit Complement Med. 2016 Jan 19;6(3):309-15.
- Wong C. (2022). Valerian root for sleep: benefits and side effects. Herbal Supplements. Verywell health.
- Hadley, Susan. “Valerian” AAFP, Accessed 10 Nov. 2022.